
Hello!  Divine Redeemer Lutheran Church loves to keep our members and friends up to date on church happenings.  We send out a weekly Church newsletter called "Spread the Word" on Thursdays (which also serves as our church newsletter because we do not print them anymore).  We also send various other communications from our Pastors and staff, but we are sensitive to limit our communications to the most important so we don't clog your inbox.  You can also stay up to date with DR information by joining our Facebook private group here. Sign up for our email communications by filling out the form below. All information is stored securely and not shared with outside sources.

Checkbox Instruction:
  • If you are male member select, "Divine Redeemer Friends and Family",  "DRLC Members Only" and "Ministry to Men".
  • If you are a female member select, "Divine Redeemer Friends and Family",  "DRLC Members Only" and "g4G Women Members".
  • If you are a non-member or prospect select, "Divine Redeemer Friends and Family" and men's or women's if you desire.
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